Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Good point about the "ideal" university. Philosophical reasoning aside, I just like to hear feedback so that I can improve my course based on the overall student reaction, which tends to be remarkably similar.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

A golden egg? No wait, it's just made of chocolate

The concept of "Ideal", is irrational. Such a concept cannot exist in a large setting, for each individual has a different view of ideal. On a personal basis, an ideal college would mean short, but educational and entertaining classes held by an ideal professor that inspires meaningful and self enlightening discussions. The class would stay on a class related topic, but not stagnate, and we would come to terms with our topic ourselves. The class would not have homework, because we'd remember the topic due to our revelations, and each class would integrate into the next, to keep our mindset and ingrain the ideas better. We would be able to take all the classes that interest us and none of the classes that have no meaning. Tuition would be free, yet we still somehow get educated and informative professors.
Obviously, this setting could not exist and in the hypothetical situation where it did exist, I would wish it didn't. The school would cause gaps in my knowledge due to lenient curriculum, and several concentrations and majors would be looked over due to the low variety in classes.
Every aspect in the University, along with everything else in the world, has a trade off, and when properly analyzed the current college model, admittedly weak and lackluster, makes sense. The decisions made have always had a low risk, high reward output. Thus the only way to create an ideal college is with even higher reward, from the schools perspective, and that in itself creates a whole slew of problems on its own.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Don't diss the Tee, yo.

I feel that t-shirts show, nothing more than a show of belonging with the concepts or in this case religion. I can't as a person with a religions background, but I feel that the shirts don't make fun of the context. The shirts instead say what the wearer actually feels. it is a form of expression and not a parody. I can understand where the arguments come from as the fell of the shirts have a very light satirical feel. But I think it is only to make the shirt fun and likable and should the visual aspect not exist, the shirt would still have the same meaning.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Why so serious. Lets put a smile on that face.

A rock CD that contrasts the connotations of the title by looking at the title literally instead of from allusions. An album that has smooth song transitions similar to Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon. Contains songs about life and a simpler view.

Good for you, you exist.
A personal view of religion. Containing rules of life. Well, they're more like guidelines really.
A slower song that contains some grungy verses and quiet chorus in order to emphasize the verse. It has a shallow tone to provide a living in the moment feel. A message from the who gives a ****. Leads into the next song with the ideas within the verse and tone.

Color me UnIquEE
A song that deals with individualism and self pride. It breaks apart from generic visions and tries to do its own thing. Appeals to the less mainstream audience with the unorthodox chord progression and solo. A more experimental song in the album

From the SMILE
A light hearted song that lifts your spirit. The lyrics talk about the hardships of life and how they don't matter. Talks about how things will work out and life goes on. Has a very soothing style and leaves you feeling warm inside.

That new planet smell
A alternative rock song about the pollution in the planet and how its changed over the years. Filled with hippie goodness. Lyrics talk about how the world could have avoided the change with slight individual changes.

The many shades of life
A ballad that wraps up the album and the ideas throughout. Talks about different philosophies and how life seems. Contains a very sweet piano melody and soft guitar chords. Leaves the album with a new perspective on life.

From the SMILE:
Why cant i see you smile any mooooorreee
look up and show that face we all adooooorrrreeee
don't let everythin' get you down
cus we can turn it all around
As long as you live life from the sssmmmiiillleeee
from the smile
we dont mean for you to fake it
but we'd prefer if you'd made it
and find us a new way arooound

even if life isn't all it seeeeeemmmmsss
and everything's crashin 'round the beeaaammms
it's all fine in the eend
cuz i know you and you will 'fend

So if you just Smiile
and look through every aisle
then you'll find just what you need.
everythings all right
everythings fine
everything will be there in the eeeeeennnnnnnNDDDDDD

chill solo

Just you wait and seeeeeeee
no one could say only meeeeeee
so just get up and smile
and everyone will run the mile
foooooorrrrrrr yyyyoooouuuuuuu

Album Art
The cover emphasizes the extremes of simplicity. The top half has very rigid lines and a very grungy style but very colorful. while the bottem half is very minamalistic and elegant while only containing 2 colors. The cover has nothing but a picture of a flower but in the respective styles.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Overall, make sure you respond to all the prompts I specifically list in the blog assignment. You are giving your reaction to the subject matter, but unless you clearly address each component I ask, you won't receive full credit.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I know you ate the last cookie.

Steroids; why? Why not? Some researchers say that Steroids could be used responsibly. That there are no grave side effects of steroid uses. That there are no cases where steroid use has directly lead to death. But of course that just means that the correlation between the above average heart attack rate and the use of steroids would have to be completely coincidental. The interview say the only side effect of steroids are the fact that they work. This is the exact argument for steroids. There isn't any direct proof that steroids increase muscle mass. People that take steroids still have to lift weights and exercise meaning the direct result of exercise causes an increase in muscle and the steroids only aids the process. Steroids have become the standard for sports in general because the standards continue to rise. It is the nature of all competition, it is the nature of humans in general. To continue to become the best and disregarding health and ethics to do so has becomes the only plausible way of breaking any record. Competition is a great way to improve ourselves, but at what cost. What is the cost of becoming the best; hair loss and mood swings? Do we take social recognition so profoundly that we are willing to deal drugs and raise the risk of heart attacks? Apparently so.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hey man, I know. Help me steal that garden gnome!

College is more than just about higher education and degrees. It is a social experience that is unlike any other. People from all over the world gather to develop themselves and to have a good time. But schools such as Georgetown University is trying to limit the social aspect of the experience. They have created rules that limit the number of people at parties in college-owned housing and the necessity for the hosts to register their parties and take a lesson in safety and liability. But the new limitations are not working. Andy Solberg said that within the first few weeks of school the complains from nearby home owners have increased as college parties have moved from inside houses to the neighborhood backyards (qtd in Kinzie). The violation from the