Sunday, February 22, 2009

I know you ate the last cookie.

Steroids; why? Why not? Some researchers say that Steroids could be used responsibly. That there are no grave side effects of steroid uses. That there are no cases where steroid use has directly lead to death. But of course that just means that the correlation between the above average heart attack rate and the use of steroids would have to be completely coincidental. The interview say the only side effect of steroids are the fact that they work. This is the exact argument for steroids. There isn't any direct proof that steroids increase muscle mass. People that take steroids still have to lift weights and exercise meaning the direct result of exercise causes an increase in muscle and the steroids only aids the process. Steroids have become the standard for sports in general because the standards continue to rise. It is the nature of all competition, it is the nature of humans in general. To continue to become the best and disregarding health and ethics to do so has becomes the only plausible way of breaking any record. Competition is a great way to improve ourselves, but at what cost. What is the cost of becoming the best; hair loss and mood swings? Do we take social recognition so profoundly that we are willing to deal drugs and raise the risk of heart attacks? Apparently so.

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